_____________________________________________________________________________ OnTop Cure the "Where-did-my-calculator-go?" syndrome. _____________________________________________________________________________ You know how Windows behaves: When you click on a window, it jumps to the front of the screen. That's what you WANT it to do...usually. But what about this scenario: You're doing several calculations with the Windows Calculator, and trying to paste the results in an open Word document. Every time you click on the large Word window, Calculator shuffles to the back. Ok, you can do it that way, but it's annoying. Another scenario: You have File Manager open so it fills the screen, and you're running a nifty little file utility that supports drag-and-drop operation. But every time you select a file, File Manager leaps to the front. You can drag, but you can't drop... ONTOP TO THE RESCUE OnTop is a simple little tool that lets you FORCE a window to stay on top of all other windows. You've probably seen this behavior before. Windows Clock can be kept on top, as can any Help screen. Very handy. EASY TO USE! When you launch OnTop, instructions appear at the bottom of your screen. Click a window with the left mouse button to keep it on top. Click an already-ontop window with the right mouse button to release it. Or you can pop up a list of running applications, and select a window there. A tip: make OnTop easily-accessible because you'll probably use it a lot. TWO NOTES 1. You can keep ANY window on top, but you really only want to keep LITTLE windows on top. If you keep a full-screen window on top you've sort of defeated the purpose. You've also defeated your ability to get to anything else, including perhaps OnTop. 2. Windows usually shuffle around in one "layer" of activity. When you tell a window to stay "on top", you move it into a separate "on top" layer. It's possible to move any number of windows into the "on top" layer, where they'll shuffle with each other just like windows in the main layer do. _________________________________ DETAILS ___________________________________ The following files are necessary for OnTop to run: ONTOP.EXE - Included with this package. VBRUN300.DLL - Available on many bulletin boards, or contact *the asilomar project*. You are welcome and encouraged to share OnTop with others. My only request is that you also share this README file. If you post OnTop to a bulletin board, please post the original ZIP file, which includes this README. Thanks. _____________________________________________________________________________ A note about VBRUN300.DLL... VBRUN300.DLL is the Microsoft VisualBasic runtime library. The bad news is that it's a somewhat large file. The good news is that one copy of it on your computer will support all of the programs and utilities written in VisualBasic 3.0...and there are lots and lots of them. (VBRUN300.DLL may already be on your system. Check first before downloading it. It's usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.) _____________________________________________________________________________ We create little tools for Windows. Feel free to send us your suggestions. If OnTop helps you, please send $5.00 to: bob moroz the asilomar project 356 gladys avenue long beach, ca 90814 (make the check payable to Bob Moroz, please) _____________________________________________________________________________ (c)1995 Bob Moroz / the asilomar project _____________________________________________________________________________ Addresses: CompuServe: 73700,1130 America Online: bobMoroz Internet: bobMoroz@ix.netcom.com _____________________________________________________________________________